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PoliticsThe Schaftlein Report

Afghanistan Crisis – The Blame Game Begins | Schaftlein Report

Rumble — Afghanistan Crisis – The Blame Game Begins | Schaftlein Report
1) 15,000 Americans still in the country and an unknown number of translators and other U.S. Operatives – Intelligence Community fights back against the Biden Administration narrative – “We were caught off guard”
*Congressman Meeks (D-NY) “We can’t by the 8-31 deadline for exiting Afghanistan until all parties have been removed”
2) Is it time for the 25th Amendment? A legal perspective
3) The legal challenges surrounding mask mandates, vaccination passports, school and other issues associated with the Delta variant
*NY restaurants sue mayor De Blasio over vaccine mandates
*Booster shots next month?
4) Legal issues at the Southern Border Crisis – Texas efforts versus U.S. lawsuits
5) Crime in our cities as radical prosecutors release criminals and crime spikes – Refund the Police
6) Inflation and gas prices continue at elevated levels effecting poor families
7) School board recalls all across the country
8) Federal Reserve to Taper on Purchases this year

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