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The Schaftlein Report

Schaftlein Report | The State of the Country as we celebrate a great American Holiday

Guest: Joe Visconti

Headline – The State of the Country as we celebrate a great American Holiday

1) The 2024 Election is less than a year away – Trump is leading

All Things Vegas Brandon Vallorani Bravera Holdings Clash Daily Clash News Constitution Pro Geneva Bible Great American Outdoors iPatriot Made in America Maga Fun Revere Report Right Report Southern Stock Transfer Tea Party Action Network The Wolves and the Mandolin Thrasher Coffee Tolle Lege Press Vallorani Cigars Washington Exterminator Would Jesus Vote for Trump

2) Inflation, Insecurity, Economy, Interest Rates and Debt

3) Border Insecurity and Massive Problems in our major cities

4) Global Conflicts in Israel and Ukraine

5) China is an equal Global player to the U.S. Sure looks that way



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Mark Schaftlein

Mark Schaftlein is a conservative political commentator on the International stage through VietnewsTV and host of The Schaftlein Report, a televised political talk show which seeks to address factual political news without the left-wing bias of the mainstream media.

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