Mark Schaftlein | Senate Races tighten as 7 are within the margin of error.
1) CBS projects +25 House Seats giving Republicans control.
Real Clear Politics predicts +31
1A) The Economy/Inflation is the top issue.
1B) Independents have broken toward Republicans by 18 points over the past two weeks to lead 49-33.
Two weeks ago, Democrats were +2
1C) Generic Ballot at Republican +3
2) Democrats desperately try to push Fetterman over the finish line. Democrats lied to the voters of PA by not
disclosing his health issues fully.
3) Patty Murray only up by 1 in Washington state – Trafalger poll. Bolduc and Hassan tied in New Hampshire
4) Musk starts enforcing cuts at Twitter as leftists rage. Musk fires entire BOD of leftists.
5) Heating Oil prices skyrocket tin the Northeast. Will voters swing to GOP?
Diesel shortage in mid Atlantic region coming.
6) Personal Consumption Expenditure Index stays high at 6.2%. This is a key gage viewed by the Federal Reserve.
7) Biden’s senile side shows again claiming there are 54 states. Democrats keep him on the sideline bringing out Obama.
8) 35 shot and 5 killed in Chicago over the weekend.
9) Russian missile strikes hit critical infrastructure in Ukraine. Russians block grain supplies.