Democrats Stand For Taxes And More Taxes | Schaftlein Report
Democrats Stand For Taxes And More Taxes | Schaftlein Report
Guest: Jeffrey Dunetz – LidBlog Author ( )
1) Democrats scramble to salvage Climate Initiatives in the face of Sen Manchin Opposition – The Methane Fee is out and replaced by a $700M Rebate to Oil and Gas companies
*That comply with New Federal Standards
2) Democrats are trying to lodge a Billionaire Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains for the 700 Wealthiest Families in America
3) Sen. Sanders may be forced to swallow a slimmed down spending plan – No Medicare Expansion since the program runs out of money in 2026 – What started as $6.0T, then $3.5T now sub $2.0T
4) “If we don’t act like we’re winning, the American people won’t believe it either.” – Steny Hoyer
5) DeSantis recruits Anti-Vax Cops with $5K signing bonus!